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About Me

Hello, I'm Jan Jaap Hakvoort from the Netherlands. Welcome to my personal website.

I am the founder of Philosophical Ventures Inc., a company that invests in pioneering philosophy ventures. I'm also the founder of 🦋, a platform dedicated to reigniting intellectual discourse on genetic modification and its impact on 🍃 nature.

I'm not religious and I don't engage in politics. To me, morality is fundamentally different from ethics. My work in value theory aims to explore the true nature of morality based on an understanding of the fundamental nature of reality.

My view on reality can be summarized in one sentence: It is philosophy all the way down. This is an analogy to the concept of 🐢 Turtle Philosophy, an ancient worldview proposing that the world is founded on an infinite regress of turtles.

Morla, The Ancient One Morla, The Ancient One in NeverEnding Story

I believe that morality and long-term human prosperity are best served by understanding that the world is fundamentally questionable, rather than determined. This perspective has led me to be an early and ongoing defender of 🦋 Free Will through various projects over several decades.

Current Work

My current focus is on value theory and morality. Through 🦋, I publish free philosophy eBooks on various topics. One example is the 🌑 Moon Barrier eBook, which explores the possibility that life might be bound to a region around the 🌞 Sun, challenging our assumptions about space travel and our place in the cosmos.

Through Philosophical Ventures Inc., I continue to invest in and develop projects that enhance humanity's intellectual capacity and explore fundamental questions about existence, consciousness, and morality.

If you're interested in discussing philosophy, value theory, or potential collaborations, feel free to reach out to me at